Dazzling designs. Stunning colours. Here is your chance to gift these trendy designs to your loved ones in New year 2014


About WomenWeave

WomenWeave, a registered Charitable Trust based in Maheshwar, MP, has supported and developed the role of women in handloom weaving since 2002. WomenWeave (WW) WomenWeave’s mission is to work towards overcoming the vulnerability of women who weave on handlooms (either part-time or full-time) and work towards making handloom a profitable, fulfilling, sustainable, dignified income-earning and life-improving activity. The primary role of WomenWeave is to serve as a bridge to better lives (oecdbetterlifeindex.org) by • Creating a community of weavers and connecting them with potential customers; • Providing craft skills training, and organizational and design assistance; • Valuing and integrating traditional design and cultural heritage to realize more marketable products; • Generating selling opportunities and market connections in India and abroad that would otherwise be inaccessible. WW is developing principles to further implement fair trade/fair value for labour, environmental restoration, socio-cultural vitality via long-term integration and collaboration with local and global apparel/fashion markets.

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